Meet the
team -
still available but only for work that really interests us
Jennifer Pelvin - Executive Director

Support Services to District Licensing Committees (National Public Health Service, Te Whatu Ora)
Chair and Board Member, Dietitian's Registration Board
Chair, Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand
Chief Executive, Telecare Services Association (TSANZ)
Acting Chief Executive, Federation Primary Health
Chief Executive, PodiatryNZ
Jennifer has worked in the not for profit environment for over 30 years. She has a Master’s of Business Administration (not for profit), is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. A Ministry of Social Development Capability Mentor, a certified BoardSource governance trainer and a member of the Australasian Society of Association Executives.
Gary Butler - Director & Chartered Accountant

As a chartered accountant, he has a focus on compliance requirements for charities and incorporated societies. He has a Bachelor of Commerce and a Diploma of Advance Accounting. He has broad management and financial experience in commerce, government and not for profit environments.​
Leslie Henderson-Craig - Membership Management

Leslie is a vital member of Butler Pelvin. No one is quite sure exactly what she does, no longer working full time, she pops up when needed. An expert on all things and life advisor to the masses.​